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Toivo Rautavaara kirjassa Miten luonto parantaa:

..omenien laadussa on suuria eroja. Kun ennen niiden keskimääräiseksi C-vitamiinipitoisuudeksi ilmoitettiin noin 50mg-%, ovat nyt eräät eniten myydyt omenalajikkeet tässä suhteessa ala-arvoisia esim. Golden Delicious sisältää vain 3-5 mg-%. Omenien terveellisyyttä vähentävät torjuntamyrkyt, joita eräissä maissa ruiskutetaan jopa parikummentä kertaa kesässä, ja homemyrkyt, joilla käsitellään vientiomenat monissa maissa.

Alkuperä ja historia[muokkaa]

Tarhaomenapuun mahdollisesta taustasta on artikkeli: Barrie E. Juniper, The Mysterious Origin of the Sweet Apple. American Scientist, Volume 95 (January-February 2007).

Ote samaisesta artikkelista:

Thus, probably over the whole of the Tian Shan but particularly on the northern slopes where the summer's heat was less fierce, there emerged, over millennia, an extraordinarily large apple, often sweet-textured and invariably with a very short stalk. The German/ Russian explorer Johann or Ivan Sievers in 1793 discovered this apple. But he died shortly after discovering both the apple and the fruit forests. It was not until 1830 that Carl Friedrich von Ledebour in his new Flora Altaica named this apple in honor of his late colleague Siev- ers—Malus sieversii. This name is widely found in the literature. But it has more recently been discovered that the same apple, one of many that had escaped to the West over the previous thousands of years, had been named by Philip Miller in the United Kingdom in 1768 as Malus pumila, and, by reason of priority, the name M. pumila must take precedence

Samasta asiasta Barrie E. Juniperin ja David J. Mabberleyn kirja The Story of the Apple:
